Winter has hit Brisbane – winter being a relative term. My readers in Melbourne will have a different idea of winter, and those in the frosty parts of the northern hemisphere a different conception again. Still it’s official, the Courier-Mail says so: winter has struck.
Winter, as I look out my office window, is a blue skied day of around 19 degrees. To be fair, it is a chilly 19 particularly when the sun disappears behind a stray cloud. And the cool wind takes it degrees lower again. Still, it is no Melbourne winter.
I guess there is much to be grateful about that. You can’t complain at sunny 19 degree days in the dead of winter. Still there is something I am wistful about: winter fashion. I have, during this brief ‘cold’ snap taken full advantage of the conditions and swabbed myself in the vast collection of jumpers and jackets I brought with me from Melbourne. Being a thoroughly Melbourne boy, I love them, love all fashion really but winter fashion most of all for the expressive scope it allows.
I guess it’s reasonably well known that Brisbane is not a fashion spot. It’s not bogan-ville, but there is not really much call for fashion: some nice short sleeve shirts, the formal shorts, a few sets of long pants and the odd jacket is just about enough to get you through. In a way I feel out of place – someone actually said to me the other day that I dress like a Melbournian. You mean stylishly, I almost said in response.
I don’t mean to be disparaging. People here dress fine, it’s just that I miss the elements of Melbourne that make fashion more important; and I miss the excuse to get out and dress that way. I look upon the piles of winter woollies stacked up in the top of my wardrobe and know most won’t get a wearing until I get back to Melbourne again. I am wearing the same coat today that I took to NY, but I’m wearing it with only a shirt under it. The window of opportunity for clothes like this is pretty small I gather, another fortnight maybe, maybe less. And so I have to make the best of it and rug up as if I was in Melbourne.
It’s odd, never figured I would miss those polar days in the outer at the MCG – but right now just the thought of slipping on the extra thick woollen jumper and a winter coat seems very comforting.