The weekend always comes as a relief these days. It's not that I don't enjoy the work I'm doing - I do, greatly sometimes - but I need the break, need to let my brain slow down without feeling guilty about it. To give you some idea of what's going on right now here's a summary of the different things I'm working on:
- My business - updating website, writing web content and white papers, sending emails, making calls, networking, learning.
- Bedroom voice - meant to be updating the stories (no time). Am putting together the marketing plan.
- Have an interest in an online t-shirt company in development; investigating some event management and promotion opportunities.
- Marketing myself as a freelance copywriter, business writer and web content writer. Emails, phone calls, promotional material, copy.
- My own writing - given time (huh!) I hope to have sufficient material to send to a publisher within 2-3 months.
- And I've just been accepted into a small business training course.
Nice to have a break from all that.
I'm heading into the city early this afternoon. I've booked myself a long overdue massage, am then catching up with Whisky, who showed up unexpectedly yesterday, then we're meeting others for wine tasting in the NGV, with dinner afterwards. Tomorrow I'm meant to be playing golf - though the weather makes that look dodgy - and out for dinner with the Irish woman et al afterwards.
Sunday should be a slob day - though I really should do some of my own writing...